Our Mission:
To facilitate communication among midwives.
To further the education of midwives.
To educate the public regarding midwifery and childbirth.
To further the alliance between midwives and other health care professionals.
To respond to the legal needs of midwives.
To maintain affiliation with local and national organizations that share our interests, as well as other state midwifery groups.

Interested in joining?
Benefits for Members:
Access to the Members Only section of our website
Discounts on our annual Conference and Workshops
Discounts on CEUs for CPM and CNM requirements
A listing in our online Directory is included for Professional Members
Our quarterly Newsletter
Reduced advertising rates in the Newsletter
Positive PR at national conferences ~ Midwives Alliance of North America, Midwifery Today, and more.
Advocacy for midwifery at statewide conferences like Healthy Mothers ~ Healthy Babies and La Leche League
Endless opportunities for Networking and Support
MailChimp email communication
Ready to join?
MMA Membership: Patrice Bobier : treasurer@michiganmidwives.org
“Good midwifery is a combination of art, science, experience, and instinct.”
— Jennifer Worth, midwife to the East End of London after WWII