Whether you’re considering a birth with a Midwife, looking for a particular provider, or wanting to learn about the process of becoming a Midwife, we’re glad you’re here!
What are you looking for today?
Looking for a licensed Midwife or trained Doula in your area? Use our directory here!
Curious about what it takes to become a Midwife? Interested in becoming one yourself? Here, you can see a summary of the process, with links to external resources for potential midwifery students.
What is the Midwifery Model of Care? What sets it apart from other models? Is this model proven to be safe and effective? Answer these questions and more by learning about what out-of-hospital care with a trained midwife looks like here.
About Us
The Michigan Midwives Association (MMA) represents a network of midwives, childbirth professionals, and students, and the spectrum of the Midwives Model of Care. The MMA is a non-profit corporation.
We believe out-of-hospital births, attended by trained midwives, are an essential option for healthy women and their families.
We support the rights of parents to make informed decisions about childbirth.
We support advances in the profession of midwifery which enhance quality, community, and education among midwives, consumers, and other health care providers.